
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bye,... ciao 2015!

It's been a year since we had our closing. I can remember all the mixed feelings really well, I mean the mix of happiness and anxiety...

Seeing our house the way we planned it to be was awesome. Learning how to install the appliances, moving ourselves and installing a garage door opener (with the help of our best friends) were also great adventures.

I had so many plans for this blog and for my house however I didn't have the time I needed to make all of them happen. But I cannot complain, we achieved so much this year,... we learned so much about the house and how things work.

Some milestones lived this year:

  • we moved into our home;
  • we had a great time with our friends;
  • we went to Brazil to visit our family;
  • we saved our grass (sodding);
  • we had lots of visits to Home Depot, Lowe's, Canadian Tire, Ikea and of course Home Sense;
  • we enjoyed two amazing road trips, one to Frankenmuth and another to New York (posts almost ready)
  • our first Halloween was spectacular;
  • the Christmas atmosphere is still around;
And right now we are preparing the 1 year inspection to be submitted soon. Luckily we didn't have any major issue - only some cosmetic things.

Overall, 2015 was a great year. Just a quick recap:

Installing our appliances
Kiki helping us

Temporary shades - that are there for almost a year now!



First Christmas in Our New Home

Wishing you guys a fabulous 2016!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I can't believe another year is almost gone.

So it brings us to the beauty of the end of the year events. I love Christmas,... and this is the first one in our home.

We didn't have a Christmas tree (and ornaments) till this year. It was awesome to enjoy each moment that we planned and prepared our home for the "most wonderful time of the year".

Kiki tried to help us, but we thought she wasn't so comfortable being a Christmas tree!

We got some special ornaments from Bronner's - a store in Frankenmuth, Michigan - that is known for being the world's largest Christmas store. They customize ornaments for you. Of course we couldn't miss this opportunity, since is our first Christmas in our Home.

It says: First Christmas in Our New Home

We also got some ornaments that represent us. Ron chose a snowman in a motorcycle and we picked one for Kiki - so cute;

I am so excited for our Holidays!

We wish you a very merry Christmas and a great 2016!